Project Description

Embark on an artistic journey where curiosity, sustainability, and surprise allows students the opportunity for creative exploration.

Through watercolors and the captivating alchemy of pH adjustments, students will delve into the ever-evolving world of natural pigments. Encouraging a spirit of exploration, this program celebrates the melding of art and science, inviting students to embrace curiosity as they create unique eco-art pieces inspired by the natural world that reflect their discoveries

Final Product

At least 2 individual watercolors pieces with various multi-media elements that highlight textures and patterns inspired by nature.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to envision the creative possibilities within natural colors and patterns.
  • Students will understand the historical significance of natural dyes before the development of synthetic alternatives.
  • Students will develop an interdisciplinary understanding, exploring the interconnectedness between art and science through pH levels and chemical reactions.
  • Students will recognize the value and importance of the artistic process, emphasizing risk-taking and experimentation.

Suggested Grades

  • Best suited for grades 3 and older.
  • Can be modified for grades K-2.

Pricing Breakdown

  • 4 visits at 45 minutes each
  • Prep hours: 1.5 hour per classroom
  • Materials: $2.00 per student
  • Travel from Eugene


“Alex was AWESOME!… Alex was 10/10; Alex was very interactive with students and could adapt to any students needs.”

Administrator, Kelly Middle School

Alex Ever (They/Them) is a multi-medium visual artist and arts educator based in Eugene. Their work ranges from dye and fiber arts to digital illustration. Alex’s artistic expression is informed by their own queer experience, and a desire to tap into the playfulness and curiosity that we all share. Fiber work created through Alex’s arts programming has been displayed by the Willamette River Festival, and their digital illustrations can be seen in Mia Vance’s poetry collection “Instead of Butterflies”. They seek to create pieces that invite the viewer to explore a world of imperfection, play, wonder, and a dash of humor.

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