Project Description

Through the study of endangered species, students will learn how art has been used as an advocacy tool as they make artistic statements of their own.

Students will engage in a unique photo transfer or relief printing method that feels like magic! For grades 3-5, each student will begin by selecting a photo of an endangered animal to transfer onto a small board. Students will prepare their boards, complete their image transfer, and then embellish the photo with paint and collage to showcase important facts about their animal. These finishing touches to their artwork will also incorporate students’ personal expression. K-2 grades will do a similar mixed media project utilizing relief printing, a more age-accessible process.

Final Product

Grades 3-5 students will create a mixed media photo transfer on wood using printmaking, collage, and painting. Grades K-2 students will create a mixed media relief print, watercolor painting, and collage. Both projects showcase an endangered species/ habitat of student’s choice.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will learn the process of photo transfer or relief printing using non-toxic materials.
  • Students will research their endangered species and communicate their learning through group presentation and artist statements.
  • Students will make creative choices in the design of their project, such as the placement of collage and paint.
  • Students will reflect on their artistic choices and consider how they may be interpreted by others.
  • Students will understand their potential role as an advocate for animals and nature preservation.

Suggested Grades

  • Best suited for grades K-5.

Pricing Breakdown

  • 4 visits at 45 minutes each
  • Prep hours: 2 hours per classroom
  • Materials: $1.60 per student
  • Travel from Eugene

Why I teach art:

“I love teaching kids that they do not need to have any previous art experience or drawing ability to engage in the creative process and make amazing art!  I am also a Language Arts teacher so I love tying literature to art to bring further meaning and content to my projects. The focus of my teaching is to create process-driven projects that encourage kids to experiment with different art mediums, and mix it up to create one project. The best part is seeing the smile on their faces when I enter the room!”

—Erika Wolf

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