
K-2 Mathematical Paper Arts with Victoria Wills: Lesson 3

LIVE on Tuesday, November 10th at 10am

Program Description

Students will build a standing accordion-fold work of art featuring plant life from their original planet. Students will be guided to reflect on how the environment of the planet influences what type of plants exist in their created world. Students will consider temperature, weather, and landscape as they design their plant life.

Printable Lesson Guide

Lesson 3 (English)

Lección 3 (Español)


4 pages of white printer paper, adhesive (glue, tape, or stapler), graphite pencil, coloring supplies (crayons, colored pencils, or markers), scissors


This lesson touches on the following standards:

Arts Standards:

  • VA.1.CR1.K
  • VA.1.CR1.1
  • VA1.CR1.2

Science Standards:

  • K-LS1-1
  • 1-LS1-1
  • 2-LS4-1