Lane Arts Council is now seeking teaching artists for the 2018-2019 academic year. Professional visual, craft and performance artists work with students and teachers to create extended educational arts activities, teach new skills, develop creative thinking and offer career insight.

In this round of recruitment, we are prioritizing artists from highly requested art forms and art forms not currently represented on our roster. These include:

  • Ceramics/clay
  • Nature and science art
  • Vocal music
  • Instrumental music
  • Cultural expression and arts, including:

Native storytellers; Pacific Northwest Native artists; Latinx visual, music, and dance artists; East Asian music/dance/art (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Thai, etc.); Bollywood, Bharatanatyan, Odissi and other Indian dance forms; Middle Eastern/Northern African music/dance/art; South African music/dance/art; South American music/dance/art (Argentinian, Brazilian, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc.); Other cultural expressions not currently represented on our roster

We highly encourage rural artists of all disciplines to apply.

All artists, regardless of art form and practice, are encouraged to apply!

Does this sound exciting to you or do you know someone who may excel at this work? Please apply today or share this opportunity with artists in your network. We will begin reviewing applications on January 7th, 2019. The position will remain open until filled.

Full position description and application instructions here:

Contact: Eric Braman, 541-485-2278,